Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chinese Introduction Video

I think I did pretty well for someone who has been learning chinese for
about 5 weeks. (It may sound like a long time but it really isn't!)

I think I spoke clearly, I didn't try to use tones because they are quite confusing.

Please don't laugh at my video!

What I am saying....
My name is Brooke
My phone number is
8953535 (not my real phone number)


  1. you were looking at a piece of paper (so was i ) we should work on remebering what we say. you done awesome!

  2. I agree with Emma, maybe next time you can try to practise more.^-^

  3. yeah i agree with joyce and yeah you could maybe practice on looking at the camera a bit more (tip)* putting the piece of paper right next to the camera !thats my trick~

  4. Brooke that was really good though I think you need to parctise on your pronounciation and fluency!

  5. I think you did great!Yes, you might have looked at the piece of paper but i think thats all part of learning! if you didn't need the paper and you worked a bit more on your fluency, next time i think you would be perfect!
