Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lights. (My awesome story)

If only I could fly anywhere and anytime. To fly in the clouds among the birds.I would be so much happpier, my life would be much more valuable, and fun.

But alas, I can't. If I jump... Just if I jump, I will fall to my freezing watery grave. The waves taunt me, like my reflection in a mirror. Staring bacjk at me with it's blue crystaly smaile, I back away. I walk down to the road to the spring just under the bridge above it.

I find a twig about a metre before I reach the spring. As I pick it up something unusal happens. The spring starts to bubble, white mist starts to arise from the watery bed of water. A figure... A figure, socked from the spring, it walks towards me. The wind blows the things hair to one side.

Alarmed and nervous to what the long haired creature would look like I backed away from the flowery grass surroundings and found myself tripped over a crack in the road. I am now lieing in the middle of the road with the creature at the edge of the road and a car heading towards me.

The creature lifted up it's hair and after that all I saw were two beautiful, magical lights.

Funnily enough I wake up with a tube in my arm and my neck. I had now realised I could not feel my left leg. I pulled myself up from the hospital bed and discovered I don't have a left leg. My mother explained to me that I was run over by a car and on life support.

I said at the start if I could fly my life would be more valuable, so true. The doctors turned off my life support and I found out that the figure, was an angel. She sent me to heaven to look over my mother and father.

Guess what.
My name is Rose Smuthers.
And as I look over my mother and father in heavan I now have a baby sister, Lillie.

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