Monday, November 15, 2010


Mathew Sanervie is my name, but my beliefs caused me a lot of trouble. On my 17th birthday I went to school like every other normal school day. I was Jewish. This was the worst time to be Jewish because of World War II. As I walked in the gates to school five guys in a green uniform took me away in a truck with people in the back. I could not escape the dirty clutches of the solders that worked for Adolph Hitler. I tried to have the grip of the solders hands released but as I tried and tried and tried I couldn’t get away. I eventually got exhausted.

We soon arrived at a dirty, dry place with an old railroad through the middle. I thought hard about what I was learning about this war they were going through. Then it came to my mind, I was in a concentration camp. When they picked everyone up in the truck there were 32 people but since they got there 8 people had been pushed or jumped off the moving truck as it drove to its final destination. There were about 110,000 people at the camp, more then half were probably 20 years old and under. Everywhere I looked young children were crying and it was as if people were losing all hope in living. We were put in rooms, very small rooms. It was rather crowded; some people had to share a bed because the rooms were over filled. I made a few friends but there is a girl; Sophia Rezal, which was in my class at school, she was 16 but her birthday was in about 3 weeks. We never really talked in class so I never new she was Jewish, like me. That made me feel less alone and happy. I was with a familiar face.

We were all given our own clothes or on the other hand, torn up linen so it looked like we were wearing old cruddy rags. So there was no being looked upon differently because when you get looked at people just think of how old you are and that you’re just another normal Jew. We walked around for a little bit while we were able to, Sophia and I held hands but the twins Connor and Leah held hands in a brother and sister way. They were 12 but still needed each other to feel safe, they were young at heart.

All of us in my room were sent to a place that was out of bounds, when we had free time if we walked around there we would get shot and then sent to a room where bad people go and suffer. Our grouped walked up big hill in a long line. Their was around 70 people in the line including Sophia the twins and I. We entered a room that was very big and had a huge metal door. Sophia and I walked in holding hands and hugged each other when we went in and stood facing the open door, or what was now the closed door. We heard a huge band I think it was the door locking.’ Are we going to be cleaned?’ Connor asked.
‘I think so,’ answered Leah.
They grasped each others hand and Leah held on so tight, because she was so scared.

Sophia shivered and then kissed my cheek. Her lips were soft and dry. I smiled and then all I heard after that were screams of agony.

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