Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Landform Preassessment

We are starting a new unit for science on Landforms.

Meet Rocky Mc Rocly Rock the 2nd he is your normal rock.

I described him to the video, where he was from, how he got here, his name and other random things.

Rocky Mc Rocky Rock is awesome (its true)

Yeah... hes awesome oh! And hes from Miami Beach.

The video is a little bit long but its still about him.

Remember HES AWESOME (and so are you for reading this.)

Monday, May 17, 2010

This is PR and BG (me) dialogue. We have improved our fluency and not looking out the piece of paper with the writing on it.

We practiced only twice and done a couple of mistakes. We need to work on our tones still and making sure that our pronunciation is getting better as we pogress in chinese.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chinese Introduction Video

I think I did pretty well for someone who has been learning chinese for
about 5 weeks. (It may sound like a long time but it really isn't!)

I think I spoke clearly, I didn't try to use tones because they are quite confusing.

Please don't laugh at my video!

What I am saying....
My name is Brooke
My phone number is
8953535 (not my real phone number)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sams Learner
Things I do well and why...
I think creatively, I think of new ideas that are different and creative.
Adventureous, I like to take risks and find thrill out of all daily and rare oppotunities.
Particapates, I play soccer for a club outside of school, I also play hockey for the school. I invole myself in things others are doing.
Gives everyone a chance to share there ideas, includes everyone into projects and takes all oppinions.
Ready to learn, before school starts I sharpen my pencils, glue in all worksheets so everything is organised.
Things I need to work on
Asks questions, Im not a very confident speaker so I dont really like asking questions.
Know your abillites, I dont know my strengths or weaknesses. that includes my abillites.